FBHF W UNKNOWN TOPIC... + There is no help available for this item. ? Please refer to the HELP INDEX for a listing of known topics. GAME | NEW [F4] Opens a new Chess Window. + The shortcut key for this option is [F4]. < No more than twelve Chess Windows may be open at one time. INDEX GAME | OPEN [F3] H Opens a new Chess Window by reading a game file stored as a disk file. W The user is asked to select a File Name from the listed files in the File Dialog Box. + The shortcut key for this option is [F3]. < No more than twelve Chess Windows may be open at one time. t See also : Game Button Button [HOME] [END] INDEX GAME | SAVE [F2] % Saves the active Chess Window as a disk file. If the game has not been saved before, you will be asked to supply a File Name for the file. If the game has been saved before, a back-up file will be created using the '.BAK' EXTENSION, and the game will be stored using the current File Name. + The shortcut key for this option is [F2]. 4 See also : Game Game INDEX GAME | SAVE AS Saves the active Chess Window as a disk file. You will be asked to supply a File Name for the game, regardless of whether the game has previously been Saved. If the game has been saved before, a back-up file will be created using the '.BAK' EXTENSION. + There is no shortcut key for this option. 1 See also : Game Game INDEX GAME | CHANGE DIR ? Allows the user to change the default drive and/or directory. + There is no shortcut key for this option. INDEX GAME | PRINT [F7] When activated, this option will use the stored game information and move history for the active Chess Window to create a diagram for every position. The notation for each move is printed under its diagram. The notation type and board orientation (WHITE or BLACK on bottom) chosen for the screen display will be used for the print-out. Before choosing the print option, turn on your printer and check its paper supply. The format for printing is sixteen board diagrams per 8 x 11 page. An IBM ProPrinter prints a 25 move game on four pages in about 15 minutes. + The shortcut key for this option is [F7]. p See also : Invert Button Algebraic Button Descript Button Computer Button INDEX GAME | EXIT [Alt-X] 6 Closes all open Chess Windows and exits the program. 0 The shortcut keys for this option are [Alt-X]. 0 All changes made since the last Save are lost. INDEX DISPLAY | TILE [Ctrl-F2] . Arranges Chess Windows on desktop by tiling. 2 The shortcut keys for this option are [Ctrl-F2]. x This option is most useful when in 43/50 mode, and several open Chess Windows need to be viewed at the same time. INDEX DISPLAY | CASCADE [Ctrl-F3] 1 Arranges Chess Windows on desktop by cascading. 2 The shortcut keys for this option are [Ctrl-F3]. F This option restores the desktop to its default format after Tiling. INDEX DISPLAY | SIZE/MOVE [Ctrl-F4] @ Allows the user to resize and/or move the active Chess Window. 2 The shortcut keys for this option are [Ctrl-F4]. If you press SHIFT while you use the arrow keys, you can resize the active Chess Window. Using the arrow keys without the SHIFT key will allow you to move the active Chess Window. INDEX DISPLAY | ZOOM [Ctrl-F5] H Allows the user to resize the active Chess Window to the maximum size. 2 The shortcut keys for this option are [Ctrl-F5]. c If the window is already zoomed, you can choose this command to restore it to it's previous size. INDEX DISPLAY | NEXT [Ctrl-F6] U Brings the next Chess Window in sequence to the top and makes it the active window. 2 The shortcut keys for this option are [Ctrl-F6]. See also : Display Previous INDEX DISPLAY | PREVIOUS [Ctrl-F7] Y Brings the previous Chess Window in sequence to the top and makes it the active window. 2 The shortcut keys for this option are [Ctrl-F7]. See also : Display INDEX DISPLAY | CLOSE [Ctrl-F8] Closes the active Chess Window. If changes have been made since the last Save, the user is notified and given an opportunity to save those changes. 2 The shortcut keys for this option are [Ctrl-F8]. ; See also : Display Display Previous INDEX FILE DIALOG BOX The File Dialog Box appears when the Open option is selected from the Game Menu. This dialog box allows the user to select a file from those listed in the current directory. 5 The File Name input box is used to enter the name of the game file when loading or saving. A File Name consists of two parts: the NAME, and the EXTENSION. The NAME can be up to 8 characters long, consisting of a comination of letters and numbers. The EXTENSION can be up to 3 characters long, also consisting of a combination of letters and numbers. The NAME and EXTENSION parts are always separated by a period. The recommended EXTENSION for DiaChess game files is 'GAM'. (Example File Names for DiaChess game files: SAMPLE.GAM, BTGAME01.GAM, BTVSST01.GAM) The Files list box lists the names of files in the current directory. If you want to change drives for your file search, you should first use the Change Dir option in the Game Menu. The file information panel on the bottom of the File Dialog Box shows the path name, file name, date, time and size of the selected file. None of the information in this panel is selectable. INDEX CHESS WINDOW C The edit window used to record, store and print your chess games. Chess Windows contain : - A move history list ... Displays the move history of the current board position. Accepts keyboard entry of new moves in long algebraic format. - A Chess board ... Displays the board positions in the game. Enter moves using the mouse by clicking on the piece to move and then on the destination square. Enter moves via the keyboard by using the arrow keys to highlight the proper square and then select the square by pressing the [ENTER] key. - 10 buttons ... Invert Style Borders Algebraic Drawn Descript Resigns Computer Buttons are activated by clicking on them with the mouse or by pressing the [SPACE] key after [TAB]ing to the button of choice. The button may also be chosen by pressing its highlighted character from the keyboard. ` Each Chess Window has a game information "card" that can be accessed by pressing the [F5] key. O The Print option is available from the Chess Window by pressing the [F7] key. INDEX INVERT BUTTON v Pressing this button allows you to view the active Chess Window board from the perspective of either WHITE or BLACK. The board orientation in effect at the time the Print routine is activated will determine the board orientation used in the print-outs. If the Chess Window shows BLACK on the bottom, the diagrams in your print-outs will show BLACK on the bottom. Buttons are activated by clicking on them with the mouse or by pressing the [SPACE] key after [TAB]ing to the button of choice. The button may also be chosen by pressing its highlighted character from the keyboard. INDEX STYLE BUTTON Pressing this button allows you to choose between two different piece displays in the active Chess Window. (EGA/VGA monitors only) 2 This feature is only active in the 25 line mode. Buttons are activated by clicking on them with the mouse or by pressing the [SPACE] key after [TAB]ing to the button of choice. The button may also be chosen by pressing its highlighted character from the keyboard. INDEX BORDERS BUTTON V Pressing this button toggles the borders notation ON/OFF in the active Chess Window. Buttons are activated by clicking on them with the mouse or by pressing the [SPACE] key after [TAB]ing to the button of choice. The button may also be chosen by pressing its highlighted character from the keyboard. INDEX DRAWN BUTTON i Pressing this button sets the game result as a draw in the current position of the active Chess Window. Buttons are activated by clicking on them with the mouse or by pressing the [SPACE] key after [TAB]ing to the button of choice. The button may also be chosen by pressing its highlighted character from the keyboard. INDEX RESIGNS BUTTON h Pressing this button sets the game result as a win in the current position of the active Chess Window. Buttons are activated by clicking on them with the mouse or by pressing the [SPACE] key after [TAB]ing to the button of choice. The button may also be chosen by pressing its highlighted character from the keyboard. INDEX ALGEBRAIC BUTTON p Pressing this button displays the move history list of the active Chess Window in standard algebraic notation. The notation selected at the time the Print routine is activated will determine the notation used in the print-outs. If the Chess Window displays the move history using algebraic notation, the diagrams in your print-outs will use algebraic notation. Buttons are activated by clicking on them with the mouse or by pressing the [SPACE] key after [TAB]ing to the button of choice. The button may also be chosen by pressing its highlighted character from the keyboard. c Algebraic notation is based on the guidelines presented in "Modern Chess Openings", 13th Edition. INDEX DESCRIPT BUTTON n Pressing this button displays the move history list of the active Chess Window in long descriptive notation. The notation selected at the time the Print routine is activated will determine the notation used in the print-outs. If the Chess Window displays the move history using descriptive notation, the diagrams in your print-outs will use descriptive notation. Buttons are activated by clicking on them with the mouse or by pressing the [SPACE] key after [TAB]ing to the button of choice. The button may also be chosen by pressing its highlighted character from the keyboard. INDEX COMPUTER BUTTON f Pressing this button displays the move history list of the active Chess Window in Computer notation. The notation selected at the time the Print routine is activated will determine the notation used in the print-outs. If the Chess Window displays the move history using computer notation, the diagrams in your print-outs will use computer notation. Buttons are activated by clicking on them with the mouse or by pressing the [SPACE] key after [TAB]ing to the button of choice. The button may also be chosen by pressing its highlighted character from the keyboard. 6 Computer notation is printed in XXYYZ format, where: / - XX represents the "from" square (a1 .. h8). / - YY represents the "to" square (a1 .. h8). @ - Z represents the new value of a promoted pawn (Q, R, B, N). The algebraic move e4 describing the move of the king pawn two squares forward from it's initial position would be represented as "e2e4 " in computer notation. INDEX FWD BUTTON ` Pressing this button allows you to scroll forward through the game in the active Chess Window. Buttons are activated by clicking on them with the mouse or by pressing the [SPACE] key after [TAB]ing to the button of choice. The button may also be chosen by pressing its highlighted character from the keyboard. Within the Chess Window, the [HOME] and [END] keys allow you to move quickly to the beginning and the end of the move history list. See also : BUTTON INDEX REV BUTTON a Pressing this button allows you to scroll backward through the game in the active Chess Window. Buttons are activated by clicking on them with the mouse or by pressing the [SPACE] key after [TAB]ing to the button of choice. The button may also be chosen by pressing its highlighted character from the keyboard. Within the Chess Window, the [HOME] and [END] keys allow you to move quickly to the beginning and the end of the move history list. See also : BUTTON INDEX [HOME] l The [HOME] key can be used to quickly move to the end of the move history list in the active Chess Window. I See also : [END] BUTTON BUTTON INDEX [END] q The [END] key can be used to quickly move to the beginning of the move history list in the active Chess Window. J See also : [HOME] BUTTON BUTTON INDEX ABOUT DIACHESS V Copyright 1992, 93 TNT Software. All Rights Reserved. Written by Brian E. Thompson. < The DiaChess program was initially designed to record and print chess games. Using an IBM or EPSON compatible printer, games may be printed diagramming each move. DiaChess is also a valuable teaching and study tool. Improve your play by studying your own games, the games of masters, and standard "book" openings. DiaChess 1.0 was written using Borland's Turbo Pascal version 7.0, with heavy reliance on the Turbo Vision framework and objects. Many thanks to Stephen Turmo and Kim Thompson for their comments and suggestions during the development of DiaChess. DiaChess is a ShareWare program, and is provided at no charge for evaluation. You may give copies to your friends, but do NOT alter or offer as part of another software package. If you find this program useful and continue to use DiaChess after a reasonable trial period, you must make a registration payment of $20.00 (U.S.) to TNT Software. Registration entitles you to the latest program version or upgrade, announcements of future upgrades, and a few suprise goodies thrown in for fun. Your input will help create future versions of DiaChess! Send your ideas for program enhancements when you register your copy of DiaChess. Brian E. Thompson INDEX WARRANTY DISCLAIMER U TNT SOFTWARE DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES RELATING TO THIS SOFTWARE, WHETHER EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, AND ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE EXPRESSLY AND SPECIFICALLY DISCLAIMED. NEITHER TNT SOFTWARE NOR ANYONE ELSE WHO HAS BEEN INVOLVED IN THE CREATION, PRODUCTION, OR DELIVERY OF THIS SOFTWARE SHALL BE LIABLE FOR ANY INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGES ARISING OUT OF THE USE OR INABILITY TO USE SUCH SOFTWARE EVEN IF TNT SOFTWARE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES OR CLAIMS. IN NO EVENT SHALL TNT SOFTWARE'S LIABILITY FOR ANY DAMAGES EVER EXCEED THE PRICE PAID FOR THE LICENSE TO USE THE SOFTWARE, REGARDLESS OF THE FORM OF CLAIM. THE PERSON USING THE SOFTWARE BEARS ALL RISK AS TO THE QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. Some states do not allow the exclusion of the limit of liability for consequential or incidental damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you. This agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of North Dakota and shall inure to the benefit of TNT Software and any successors, administrators, heirs and assigns. Any action or proceding brought by either party against the other arising out of or relating to this agreement shall be brought only in a STATE or FEDERAL COURT of competent jurisdiction located in Cass County, North Dakota. The parties hereby consent to in personam jurisdiction of said courts. INDEX SHAREWARE ShareWare is a software marketing method that allows users to try before they buy. Users can obtain a copy of a program from a ShareWare dealer (for a small handling fee - usually around $5.00). ShareWare products are often less expensive than comparable retail software due to this marketing method. Program copies may also be obtained from friends, a user group, or an electronic bulletin board. The software you get is fully functional, allowing you to evaluate it and decide if it is useful to you. If you continue to use the software after a reasonable trial period, you are required to purchase the software by paying a registration fee. INDEX REGISTRATION n To register your copy of DiaChess, turn on your printer, check the paper supply, and at the DOS prompt type: REGISTER Complete the printed form and send $20.00 (U.S.) registration fee plus $3.00 postage and handling to: R TNT Software 1437B S. University Dr., Suite 101 Fargo, ND 58103 North Dakota residents, please add 6% sales tax ($1.20). Include your name, mailing address, and comments about the program when you register your copy of DiaChess. INDEX DISPLAY | TOGGLE VIDEO [Shift-F4] I Toggles between normal 25 line mode and 43/50 line mode. (EGA/VGA only) U This option is most useful when viewing two or more Chess Windows at the same time. INDEX GAME INFORMATION [F5] \ Each Chess Window has an information "card" that can be accessed by pressing the [F5] key. The information on the card is used as a header on printed reports, and consists of the players names, the event name, round and date. Use the [TAB] key to cycle between the five input fields and the two buttons at the bottom of the "card". In the input fields, enter the players' names (WHITE, BLACK), the tournament name (EVENT), the ROUND number, and the DATE the game was played. Selecting the Cancel button will close the information card WITHOUT recording any changes made. Selecting the Okay button will record the information displayed and close the card. o In order to permanently save changes made on the information card, the game file must be updated on the disk. 4 See also : Game Game INDEX GAME MENU ) Use this menu to create a Chess Window. See also : Game Game Game Game Game Change Game Print INDEX DISPLAY MENU O Use this menu to manipulate the display format of the existing Chess Windows. See also : Display Toggle Video Display Display Cascade Display Size/Move Display Display Display Previous Display Close INDEX HELP MENU S Use this menu to find information about the DiaChess program and how it operates. See also : Help Index About DiaChess About ShareWare Registration Warranty INDEX DIACHESS HELP INDEX Select one of the following topics by double-clicking on it with the mouse, or by [TAB]ing to it and pressing the [ENTER] key. About DiaChess Algebraic Button Borders Button Cascade Change Chess Windows Close Computer Button Descript Button Display Drawn Button [END] Exit File Dialog Button Game Information Game Help [HOME] Invert Button New Next Open Previous Printing Registration Resigns Button Button Save Save ShareWare Size/Move Style Button Tile Toggle Video Using DiaChess Warranty Zoom USING DIACHESS HELP ... The DiaChess Help system is designed to give you answers to questions that might come up in the process of using the DiaChess program. By using the [UP] arrow, [DOWN] arrow, [PAGE-UP], and [PAGE-DOWN] keys, you can scroll through the text displayed in the Help screen. The most powerful feature in the Help system is the ability to jump to related topics from whatever Help screen you might be viewing. Within every Help screen you will notice some "special" or highlighted text like the examples below: F About DiaChess Chess Windows Registration About ShareWare INDEX Notice that one of the above highlighted text items is a different color than the others. When you press the [TAB] key, the color accent cycles to another of the "special" text topics. Try pressing the [TAB] key now, and watch the above topics change color. If you should strike the [ENTER] key, the Help system will respond by jumping to the Help screen for the accented Help topic. If your system has a mouse, you can get the same effect by double clicking on the highlighted topic that you would like to jump to. At the bottom of every Help screen except this one, is the highlighted text topic "INDEX". Jump to the Help Index for a complete listing of all available Help topics. s Pressing the [ESCAPE] key will allow you to exit the DiaChess Help system, returning you to the DiaChess program.